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i'm just waiting for the new update.


is there going to be a mac version? (i'm just curious lol )


this game's control scheme fucking blows


What dont you like about it?


come on i thought this was free :(



If you bought it in a bundle, go to your library, click bundles at the top, and download it from there.


Game designers don't live to please you. They gotta eat too!


It costs less than like 2 instant noodle cups! A reasonable price for this game would be more like 10$. Don't complain about others hard work.

(1 edit)

hehe, this was such a fun game.  I GOT A TON OF ANXIETY  BECAUSE OF THIS GAME.

(second game played in the video ^-^)


I bit glitchy but fun. I love the art/design and it has an atmospher unlike any other horror game. 8/10 overall.


needs an update... endless mode... update... EXCUSEE MEE I NEED A UPDATE

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

The game has a great concept, but it definitely needs a update. There's no pause menu so whenever I want to quit I have open task manager, you could say I'm nit picky but the intro cut scenes should be skipable even though their only 10 seconds long because its annoying to sit through it every single time I launch the game, another thing alot of other players have mentioned is the low dpi (which I know the dev said he was going to fix in the next update). The game is also very buggy (for me at least) I cant play for longer than 3 runs without running into any bugs, for instance one of my boxes got clipped outside, sometimes i cant grab anything out of the box to place on the shelves, and there's no way to fix it even if i drop the box and pick up another one the problem still occurs, only way to fix it is to exit the game, and the relaunch which gets annoying because I have to sit through the unskippable cut scenes, and hope that i get lucky enough to where I dont run into any bugs, sometimes the customers dont have any dialogue so im just stuck, forced to wait for them to get angry and get the manager


true. we need some upvotes for this comment.

true need that


This game is so unique! It is just so addicting and has a certain charm to it and it makes me can't stop playing it! Props to @germfood for making such a cool retro style game!


When will there be an update? no rush just wondering.


Game is basically unplayable due to incredibly low mouse sensitivity and no way to change it.

i love it


I love the game and the ps2 style art, but I'm very curious how you get that low poly sort of retro style? Is it just a mix of low poly models and pixel art textures?


Looks really cool! Any plans for a macos version?




The design is really intersting, and the sounds/musics are greats! But it's quite hard to understand our task, it's seem that the request are too "intense" and you have no time to figure out. It look like a sprint when we're expecting a marathon. Should i try to hide from consumers ? Why the opening event is when i start to fill linears ? Why consumers only want things that aren't displayed ? I'm supposed to be the cashier too ? If i go to a shop, i can become angry after 4 seconds waiting ? :P


i had a stroke trying to read this

No but I saw in a video that it was touching another box which causes a fail. A small visual or audio input would do the trick. One can imagine that the customer shouts when it happens "Oh no, but you are completely stupid or what"? The frequentation of the stores is different according to the hours, is it taken into account?

I am delighted to have entertained you. Thank you for ping, it's rather funny to note that some don't spot the ironic digression. So it will be really funny to know that people will read so far to realize that they have been fooled. The sound/music and the art are awesome, i hope you're already enjoying a new gamedev.


That's... that's just what working retail is like


I've heard a lot about this game but I literally cannot play it. 
Whenever I boot it, it acts like all of the .dll files you're supposed to include aren't there and then even if I download them I just get a 'trouble loading mono' error.

32bit or 64 bit windows?


Same. It took a bit of fiddling to get it to launch. 


So It's true what they say retail work really Is HELL. My shift did not end well. YouTube: MrMBenting


Love this game! Cant wait for update (if they are working on it)


It would be nice to have a way to go back to the main menu without closing the game (that would help us speedrunners a lot)

For some reason I can't select anything in the menu, or even input anything other than WASD and  ALT + F4 to exit, can I get some help on this?


Press Space to make a selection at the menu.


I said that I CANT INPUT anything else that means I tried spacebar.


Buddy chill out he's trying to help..... Like I mean he is the dev and I think you just being stupid ab it like if your having problems delete and redownload it! Like geez dude 😞


Absolutely have no idea what to do when a customer catches you, you can't run away from them, the staff doors are closed, and you just die if you don't do "something" that I can't figure out. At first I thought I needed to maybe bring customers to an aisle they ask for? But one guy just said "sugar is good for you" and that was it. What does this game want me to do?


The customers are asking you to direct them to the aisle of the product they are looking for. "Sugar is good for you" means he wants you to take you to the candy aisle. Others will be more direct, and say they want new clothes or furniture but others are implying more of what they want. You have to take them to the aisle and you have 3 attempts which are the arrows on the aisle so if you go through an aisle that isn't the right one you'll get a mark against you. Three marks and you lose.


Really like the look of the game, but with no mouse sensitivity settings I can barely play with a low dpi mouse. Hope the devs add this feature in the future.


It will be added in the new update, sorry about that.


Thank you :) Love the design and great humour, some of the characters remind me of those from Toejam and Earl

(1 edit)

The downloaded rar file cannot be open nor extracted from (i'm using 7zip).  Tried redownloading, tried 'right-click >7zip > Extract Here', tried just opening.  Every time an error pops up stating "Cannot open file as an archive." 

edit:  problem was running an outdated version of 7zip.

I have the same issue, it says "the archive is either in unknown format or damaged".  Did you find a solution?

Are y'all definitely running it through Windows 10 64-bit? This is the first time i've heard of this issue.

(1 edit)

I am, yes. The file type is showing as "WinRAR archive" while most other files show as "WinRAR ZIP archive" and i've tried WinRAR and 7-Zip and nothing (I don't know if this is relevant but I just thought I'd mention it) 

Edit: WinZIP worked. I got an error message saying some file was not working correctly but it managed to extract the game regardless and it´s working. I don't know if this will cause any problems with the game but everything is working great so far.


Game won't let me take items out of the box to put things on the shelf. 

I had the same issue and reinstalled


Can't grab an item out of a box to put on the shelf.

anyone know what the system requirements for this game are?


It doesn't seem like a very heavy game, I think most rigs can handle it just fine


The realism in this game is the scariest thing to be honest. Retail hell is real and it is definitely shown in this rendition. Only thing is I have no idea how to run away from the manager before getting fired. Perhaps this is the exact replication of how life is.


I can't play it, for whatever reason, the shelves wont stack and theres weird glitches prohibiting me from making any progress. I bought this through the BLM bundle.


what the hell do you do when the guy says "i need something to clean my skin with"


nvm i just remembered there's a health and beauty isle

(1 edit) (+3)

I need help to install and download!

Dowload it and then unzip the zip file to a folder you choose


Literally couldn't unzip it with 7zip, was unable to play though I got it for free.

How did you get it for free did you pirate it?


No, I "bought" it through the BLM bundle. There's a thousand games so it feels like I got this one for free.

Well firts go into your libary it will only display the games youve installed. Now hit bundles and it will show the BLM bundle. Hit that and it should bring you to a list of games to install.

7zip didnt work for me either, but winrar did.

try using windows explorer, it can work with zips... and also, maybe you already know this but make sure that you extract all of the contents of the zip to your desired folder

right click .rar file > hover over 7-Zip > then click Extract (wherever you want it to be) 

what I did was put the .rar file in a separate folder and then clicked Extract Here

Deleted post

Good game but to all of those who are finding the game a little hard to beat. Try the videgame box glitch. Get a video game box and throw it against a wall and another will come keep doing this until you get 10 put them right at the video game section and you only need to stack the shelf twice all you have to do after that is just keep hitting space. This game has strong replay value it reminds me of games from the 90s that you would get on a magazine or on a cereal box. And you'd just hit play and they were quite short but had real replay value. Though I am going to throw a box at someone the next time I hear "EXCUSE ME!"


You can actually just sort the stock in each aisle before stacking the first shelf. The timer doesn't start until you start stacking the first shelf.

I know but I think its easier jsut before starting the shift making a load of video game boxes and put them beside the video game isle. Then stack the shelf and before you know it you beat the game.

Very good game


Please, add vr support


im a dev too, and you know how this shit is hard


Me: Heh Heh I'm in danger.

Good Game. I only played until The manager got up close and made me screech.

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