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Rarely have I ever been so unwilling and unhappy to have to help people. You want food? We are literally right next to the food aisle! Can you not see I'm trying to do other things? Can you not see that you're hindering me? Can you not see the manager staring at me from behind that door, just looking for an excuse to FIRE ME?

Ahem... yes. This game is a rare thing, as in I found it equally addictive and infuriating! I got fired so many times I was surprised the boss let me back through the front door again. The customers are relentless, and by the end of the whole ordeal I couldn't imagine ever being able to walk into a shop and not relive this horror all over again in my head.

I was not able to succeed in my mission to stack all of the shelves, and I don't think I ever will in the future either... but if you think you can take on these shoppers from hell then I bid you to try. If you dare.

Cracking stuff devs, really looking forward to seeing if this game serves up some new surprises in the future, or if not, looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

(1 edit)

I had a really good time in a constant state of panic in your game! I've never wanted to be a good employee until this game. 

Honestly I've Fallen in love with this game, its short but sweet, very addictive and fun over all, how ever I do have some major suggestions to support the longevity of it, mainly replay ability

My main issue comes with the lay out, Boxes are always in the same places, with the same labels, Empty shelf's are always in the same areas, etc, I feel like with a bit of RNG the game could be improved on this front, heck you could even try testing with randomized Isle lay outs...maybe, I don't know if its smart or not but it would force the player to memorize the isles quickly before the shift starts

Second is features, as a quality of life Choice, I feel that the game should first allow you to skip the intro cut scene, as well as bump you back to the title screen instead of just force quit, along with that it would be nice see a bit of progression, maybe a day by day kind of game where you have to work a whole week with each day getting harder or changing in one way or another

third is bugs, the game has multiple bugs that could be ironed out, Ive had NPC's bump into me in weird ways causing my character to Fly back at high speeds, I think this could be fixed if every NPC had no collision until they chased you, moving on, I had a weird bug that happened where I bumped into an NPC while finishing a stocked shelf, which stocked the shelf and kept the box there, allowing me to stock it again, except with out the stocking mini game and just the complete shelf part,
third is the fact NPCs can still talk to you sometimes after being stunned, which especially sucks
and forth is of course the NPC dialog lag which has ended runs too many times

over all this is a solid game and could honestly serve as a real demo for what could be a larger game in the future


We would like to get a demo of this game


its literally one dollar, its too small to have a demo.


i just bought this game and downloaded. Failed to realize that i only have a samsung chromebook and not a windows. Is there anyway to make it playable from my chromebook?

you cant


it says there's an error?


it doesnt work with winrar or 7zip and im on windows 10. what do i do?

Upgrade to 64bit windows

actually it does work with winrar and 7zip..

i know that i was saying it doesnt work for me. i thought it was self explanitory

Or use the ITCH desktop launcher


Can you make a free demo?



its a dollar

I love the nickname


Demos are good for making sure something works. I don't want to buy something that I can't play....


Also it's more than a dollar. 


buddy how could someone not run this??? if my low end laptop worth 200 dollars can run payday 2, then this should be a piece of cake. and I am using my laptop as a example because it is slow as hell and it has a shit load of stuff. the only way to not be able to run this is if you got a 32 bit which most people have a 64 bit. either way you can check by going into settings and going to about and you can find it there.


Check the comments before asking that.... common sense to read.


Also, I like payday 2!!!!

Hello. Do someone know how to get the textures from the game? I need help :p

(1 edit) (-3)

i cant get the game to work it downloads and it takes me an internet explorer tab that says track your downloads

i have windows 10 so what do i choose for downloading winrar


I made a song about this game. 


Haha nice


This scammed me. I went to enter my details in to buy the game and when I clicked on the 'buy' button it took my money from my balance and said 'The Zip Code you entered failed verification' Please help!

contact support


will you ever release this on steam?


You do have to pay a developer fee to even upload anything to Steam. Now by imagining the popularity of this game, he probably has the funds to do so though the real question is, will there still be profit

does this run on linux?

Deleted 4 years ago

It does say windows.

it says windows 😑

Oh gosh I went into the game thinking  how scary can it be  and how hard but jeezus those customers are my nightmare!!

(1 edit)

The game won't let me play! I have winrar, and i downloaded it. First it said "Error - Download Fail" Then i restarted my pc, went back and it "worked" it downloaded, i went to show in file, and it was nowhere to be seen. Nothing with "Night of the Consumers" was in the files. That was strange, but i had the zip file right there. So i opened the exe file.. and the zip file closed and nothing happened. I saw some other comments talking about it not letting them play and i wanted to add some more context to it. Edit: Please, anyone respond. I really wanna play this but i can't. But i did something.. i deleted winrar, and i got 7zip. But it still didnt work. i really want help


What system are you running from? Please tell OS (operating system) and platform (windows, mac, linux).


OS is Windows 10* 64-bit and i use Windows

Hey, sorry for replying late. Could it be your antivirus seeing it as something that could be dangerous?


Is this game going to be brought over to steam? I definitely think that it should be


Does anyone know if this works on chromebooks?


chromebooks cannot run exe files


can I play this game on an asus vivobook

(1 edit) (+1)

if its some sort of chromebook then no. It needs to run on windows.

Edit:Windows 64 bit


it won't let me play :(


I have the same problem


Maybe I can help. If there is an error message, please elaborate on what the error is. Also, what is your OS (operating system), and/or you platform (windows, mac, linux).


Sorry for replying so late. Been dealing with other things. Could it be your antivirus seeing it as something potentially dangerous?

this is a cool fun game and not to far off of working in retail in real life. its actually very challenging and i like that in games like this. im gonna deffinately be revisiting this game and i wanna try and beat it.

I think it is really far from real life

This is a great short game! There a few minor bugs with customers 'requests' not showing up in a timely fashion but only rarely. Otherwise, the hell that is this general store was an accurate description of real Retail Hell! I would recommend 8/10. Plus, the special guest voice actor was a fantastic experience for fellow fans like me :)

The kind of game that is frustrating, but in a good kind of way. Didn't complete it in this video, but I may revisit it sometime to do so. Great game, love the humor.


You guys are awesome. I stayed up late playing this video and really love to show my review!

I shared you guys all over my social media ! You guys will be super successful! I believe in you all!

Will be live 12AM ( 8 GMT+ )

Love from Malaysia!


Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Can I play this game on my MacBook Air ?


Ok thanks. I don't have a mac.

i want  the new update but its corona time right now

Deleted 4 years ago

its literally $1.93 dollars


He deleted the post what did it say?


He wanted a refund lmao


Goodluck on the game dude! I tip you my hat, and hook me up with any info for a theory if you can!

REALLY good game.  Made a video on it too

If I consent to this purchase, of my own free will, and with no overlying imperative to do so, then what have I become?


Deleted 4 years ago
(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

You're that stingy for 2 dollars? 


yes don’t respond to me kid if you don’t like that you’re get over it 

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Lmao "kid?" You don't even have proper grammar (or spelling), "kid."

I agree with you but it's spelled grammar


bitch i make more money than you make in 10 years 

(3 edits) (+4)

Lmao I'm too young to have a part time job. And I've already got my future planned so how bout you keep yourself to your parent's basement, and leave teens on their own. Ok? Ok.

p.s. If you make more money than me in 10 years, then why are you complaining about $2? I make more than that in a month. lego-master is right.


lol, (edited)

"if you don't like that you're get over it" lol what grammar do equal


bitch I make 1 .4 million a year 

Deleted 4 years ago

Played some more, still wasn't able to complete it but had fun! :) Thanks again.

(1 edit)

playing this games was AMAZING! every unique.

here's my gameplay:

show some love :)

Deleted post

when i saw this game had been released i had a DREAM i was inside of it. thats how amazing i find your game. keep it up man!

I agree the game is amazing but that dream sounds like a real nightmare though yikes. Was it complete with the "EXCUUUUSE ME"'s echoing through your mind?

ya, "excuUUs' mE" or "excuse meee" on this game is kinda creepy

(1 edit)

hi,I've found some glitches on your game. Also,I would be glad if there was like an endless mode,without timing or limited boxes. Anyway,the game is awsome


This game should have a physical copy on PlayStation 1 !! i would definitely BUY IT! MAKE MORE MISSIONS PLEASE! 

Recently purchased this game its amazing

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