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Interesting and cool concept. Love it. Shouldve been a bit longer after the "reveal" but still very good!


Another game from germfood (after Night of the Consumers) I played and I gotta say they did not disappoint me. 

Great game, nice art, catchy music however sadly unused potential of multiple ending game which they (naturally) teased within the game.

fr almost cried at this and now i feel betrayed...

we certainly found him!.... But... At what cost?

I have an idea! Maybe you can make Larry or Willy Mack a reoccurring character in your games akin to Hidden Mickeys or the Adventure Time snail (maybe when Night of the Consumers finally gets updated and completed, you can add a piece of graffiti in one of the later nights that says "Willy Mack was here.").

An amazing discovery for me. I just loved the game and it was really nice to play !


Gary Hedges from the amazing world of gumball

(eng)that game is perfect! 

(por)esse jogo é perfeito!

What an awesome surprise, it was nothing that I was expected, I've really loved this game!

played this because i saw it was getting a lot of attention and i was not disappointed. 


Hey there. I bought htis wonderful and was looking forward to playing it, however my monitor is 3840 x 1080 and everytime I open the game, it forces it into fullscreen mode. I have tried alt + Enter, -windowed and even DxWnd but all won't allow me to even click the Start or Quit Buttons. The game just zooms in the ratio of the title and unfortunatley is unplayable. I hope someone can find a fix for this soon please and thanks.

Soo much fun!
Thanks for this


can l have it for free pls

Super fun game! I was expecting a twist, but the way it was executed was incredible!

What is Larry's McDonalds order?


This looks super cool. Any plans to release it on Steam?


Germfood, you are the best creator of that i know. I love your gamestyle and drawing design. Your games are so well detailed, but they have a defect, they are too short. I love your games so much, keep going like this!!!


THanks :)

 dear germfood, i cant buy your game on for some reason so PLEASE, PLEASEEE JUST RELEASE YOUR GAME ON STEAM ALREADY I BEG OF YOU

and by game i mean Night Of The Consumers

This game has a special place in my heart. It was so much fun and eerie at the same time.

It took me by surprise how good it is!

holy crap this game is lit



Why Did You Make It Paid?


How else will the developer earn money?

That's like asking why the grass is green. Do you expect every game to be free?

I Recall It Being Free Before. Do I Have Foggy Memory?


Oh silly Larry, thinking he can escape my LOVE! 

No one escapes my love, Larry... one.

can you download this on an iPad? I tried to do it but none of the files will open



thank you for the reply. Can you explain what I need or how to download the game?


you need a computer for this game as far as i know lol


Hey, nice one :D


I had an awesome time with this game! Such an interesting concept that was really engaging! The build up of the story was good as well. I look forward to the next series that comes next! Keep up the good work! If you're curious about my experience, then you can check out the video on my channel or watch the video I posted here! Enjoy my agony!

This game is awesome and i cant wait to see more!


0/10 couldn't find larry

this game was so good. need more like it.

other than how good this game is you should make a community maps mode where players make there own levels this game could last a very long time.

maybe even a multiplayer where you and a friend get a randomised level and hide there Larry and the first person to find larry wins lol

This game was definitely different, but in the best kind of way! 😁 It so very refreshing to add a play-through of very different kind of horror game on our channel! We had so much fun playing this and can’t recommend this enough! Great job! 👏 

If you’d care to see how we went about finding Larry, check out the video below 👇

What a cool game, I really enjoyed it and don't worry the game didn't turn my camera blue it was a recording software issue now fixed 🤣

I saw the play through of the game, and I thought it looked cool and pretty graphic and scary. Will there ever be a good ending where you can defeat Larry or whatever his real name was?

Great Game!

It was such a fun experience playing through the game and I really loved the unique and spooky spin on the "Where's Waldo" theme.  That plot twist at the end was everything! 😂 Keep up the great work! 💙


reminds me of doki doki a little bit but yeah heres me selfpromoting also the music is fire like nigth of comsumers

Pretty cool.

Love your games and your unique art style dude.

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